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Decolinization of Burma and Vietnam

Lockard points out that "the British had already developed a low opinion of Burma's leaders and came to despise the whole society".2 The British did not go into Burma accepting of their culture and traditions. The Burmese had their own culture established before the British arrived. There was also major strife between the ethnic tribes in the hills and the low-landers. Britain incorporated Burma into British India which solidified the British their low opinion of Burma. France has been involved with issues in Vietnam for a long period of time. There had been many uprisings throughout Vietnam in the 1800s to return their society back to its feudal nature. These rebel groups did not have the manpower nor arms to go up against the French. Most Vietnamese unquestionably wanted their independence from any type of colonial rule. However, as the world started advancing in technology so did the thoughts of the Vietnamese people. The elder generation wanted to return to the feudal system but the younger generation, who had never experienced life without colonial rule, discovered that the feudal system would not work for the ever changing world of technology. Since this generation had grown up being exposed the philosophy of the West, they determined that they would create a republic once they got their independence from France. .
             Moving on in time, nationalist movements started popping up all over Southeast Asia during the 1930s; one of these nations was Burma. The British government allowed some limited self-government in Burma by the 1930s. However, British rule was still prohibitive and the Burmese infuriated that they were being governed by British India. The Burmese abhorred the overwhelming Indian community that had come in as a part of British India because "many Indians were wealthy merchants, landlords or moneylenders who were viewed as taking advantage of the local population".

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