As a manager you want to surround your store in an environment where it's around successful businesses' and that is in a well-known place, for example, the mall or in a community that is well known to many and you know it will be a great place to have your store noticed. In fashion marketing not just having your store in a well-known place is good for you but also by surrounding your environment with positive people that have fun energizing attitudes because usually that's what draws people in to your store. Not only do your employees need to have a positive attitude but also as well as the manager you also need to show your personal characteristics to your buyers as well as your consumers, having a positive bubbly characteristic really shows that you are happy with your job and no matter how stressful it may be at times you still love your job and you're not going to be bitter and let your stress change your attitude because then it makes you look bad and in the fashion marketing having a bad attitude isn't going to get you what you really want and many won't want to work with you. Having a positive outcome in what you do is what catches people's eyes and that's a good review not just for yourself but also for your store and your employees. .
In the career you do have a lot to worry about in the sense of how your employers will contact you, your customers, and also your retailers. You do have your positive things in your management but also you have to think about the negative aspects of owning your own business and what you have to think about is the global economy as well as the global competition. As a manager you have to realize that you are in competition with other businesses as well and you have to compete and think about how you will get your store noticed in a way that's affordable for you and you know you can manage your money right. Many businesses go out because they don't know how to manage their business money right, they advertise and advertise spending so much money but then don't realize what they are promoting won't promote for so long and you also have to be smart and a penny pincher and limit yourself on your business.