The formation of concept-sphere of human speech is an actual research topic of modern linguistics-oriented anthropocentric direction. Today the interpretation of the term "concept" is ambiguous. Thus, in particular, we have clearly defined such trends in this study as: cultural (U. S. Stepanov, V. M. Telia); semantic.
(N. D. Arutyunov, V. Bulygin); cognitive (A. S. Kubrakov, D. S. Likhachev).The last of them, reflects the content of this concept more optimal. Therefore, we adhere to the definition of the concept proposed by the author of "a Short dictionary of cognitive terms": "a Concept is a term that serves as the explanation of mental units or mental resources of our consciousness and the information structure that reflects knowledge and experience of the person" [33]. .
A secondary semiosis is an important method of forming of concept-sphere. So, according to the opinion of O. S. Kubryakova, conceptual analysis involves expanding of the notion, which stands behind the linguistic sign. It is well known that linguistic signs are the basis for further semantic interpretation which denote, as a rule, the objects of the environment. The subject of research of paper is the concept of man and its' English and Ukrainian verbalizations. Our goal was to study the development concept-sphere husband on the material resisting languages and make comparative analysis.
The concept acts as the centre for mental world of man, a unit of collective knowledge with linguistic expression and marked ethno-cultural specificity. National specific of concepts together with the cultural, historical features (customs, traditions, and stereotypes of behavior) are not reflected in language photographically, but operate in it, forming the national inseparable ethnic field. Linguistic image of the world is treated as a reflection of the language notions in the way of consciousness reality, the model of integral knowledge about the conceptual system of representations, which are represented by the language.