S. disease surveillance systems, while developing new mechanisms for detecting, evaluating, and reporting suspicious events that might represent concealed terrorist acts. As part of this effort, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention collaborates with state and local health agencies to better form partnerships with front-line medical personnel in hospital emergency departments, hospital care facilities, poison control centers, first-responders, and other offices to enhance detection and reporting of unexplained injuries and illnesses/symptoms as part of routine surveillance mechanisms for biological and chemical terrorism.
A comprehensive public health response to a chemical or biological terrorist event involves investigation, medical treatment for affected persons, and the initiation of disease prevention or environmental decontamination measures. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention collaborates with state and local health agencies in developing resources and expertise for investigating unusual events and unexplained illnesses. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention also coordinates with federal agencies for disaster management and ensures that the Federal Emergency Management Agency adequately responds to the aftermath of terrorism. If requested by a state health agency, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides response teams to investigate unexplained or suspicious illnesses or unusual etiologic agents and provide on-site assistance regarding medical management and disease control. While chemical and biological disasters may have substantial effects on people and their environment, public agencies, communities, and private business have established law and regulations, standards of procedures, and communication and command systems that support the safety of these structures during such events. .
First Responders .
Emergency planning requires the formal designation of individuals and groups as first responders to reduce the traumatic impacts of disasters that may have overwhelmed the localities resources that are required for the community to function.