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The Root of Nightmares

Fifty-five percent of the surveys were taken by females; the other forty-five percent were males. The youngest person to take this survey was fourteen, and the oldest was forty-two, but eighty of the people that took the survey were from ages seventeen to twenty-one. .
             I administered my survey from October 1st, 2013 to October 5th. I had ten simple questions in my survey and I made the survey through Qualtrics. Of those ten questions, I asked how old the individual was, if they were male or female, how often they dreamt/had nightmares, what kind of nightmares, what they thought caused their nightmares, how common they got nightmares etc. Half of the survey was multiple choice and the other half was an answer box. I administered it electronically, all of them. I used Facebook and Twitter to distribute my survey and also texted everyone in my contacts a link to the survey. .
             When asked how often they dreamed, fifty-one percent reported dreaming daily, nine-teen percent reported dreaming two to three times a week, and the rest reported dreaming once a week or less. Forty-eight percent of people that took the survey said their nightmares consisted of someone or something chasing them and thirty-four of the responses said they had nightmares consisting of 'bodily harm' and thirty-two said they were 'being trapped' or they selected 'other', which could mean that their nightmares consisted of anything other than those responses listed. 'Falling off a cliff' was the answer choice that was least selected (twenty-six people). Halfway through the survey the question of what they think causes their nightmares came across and not surprisingly, most people said they "didn't know". That was followed by "stress", then "movies/books". Only one person selected 'medication' and 'illness'. When asked how they dealt with their nightmares, the responses varied quite a bit.

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