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Second Language Apprehension Study

To compare both studies we will analyze the conclusion of each one of them and then we will try to discover which one provides a bigger space for useful future studies and future understanding of the language learning process.
             3.0 Findings.
             The two studies share finding on the process of learning, but they have certain differences one from the other. The first study suggests that someone's ability to learn a language can be determined by "external" abilities that are not actually linguistical. The ability that is related to learning a second language is that of picking up statistical patterns and irregularities on them. It is, specifically, as it was experimented on the study, the ability to distinguish irregularities on shape sequences of a number shaped sequences presented to the subjects of the study. Those who were able to distinguish the regularities showed better abilities when learning a language. The other study states that informal exposure to language characteristic or factors that are thought to be learned, like for example vocabulary, could be learn if it was done on an informal exposure; by not attracting attention to them wittingly . This study differs from the other one as it shows a method for learning information that could directly be applied to the learning process. The other one on the other hand shows an intrinsic ability on people that could directly be part of people already.
             Information was gathered about the learning processes for a second language. The subject has been discussed very much but there are various theories that are accepted as correct by many member of the scientific community. Perhaps the most famous theory is Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition that states that there is no real importance in conscious grammatical rules, but there is in natural fluting in conversations. So there it is less important to consciously divert attention to the grammar, and more important to have and hear conversations in the language frequently.

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