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Global Human Trafficking

             3. They have committed to take action over the next year.
             Tier 3 – neither satisfies the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking nor demonstrates a significant effort to do so. Countries in this tier are subject to potential non-humanitarian and non-trade sanctions. (refer to map apendix A).
             There is a clear pattern in human trafficking around the world with human trafficking clustered in Tier two watch list and Tier three countries and sparse in tier two and tier one countries. This can be attributed to the effort the countries government makes to prevent the problem. The Tier two watch list and Tier three countries in the world are clustered in the equatorial region. There is also a cluster of Tier two watch list and Tier three countries and hence human trafficking in the east of the northern hemisphere, through the middle east for example in Saudi Arabia and Iran, the Asian continent in Burma and Thailand and the European continent in the east, particularly in Russia. Another correlation that can be seen is the strong clustering of Tier three countries around the equator mostly within the upper African continent, for example in Libya, Sudan and Algeria. Making this continent stand out as an area with little government effort to prevent the trade of humans. In contrast, there is virtually no human trafficking in the eastern northern hemisphere in the north American continent and in almost all of the southern hemisphere especially in the Australasian .
             continent. In these areas governments are actively working to prevent human trafficking (see appendix A).
             The Causes .
             International human trafficking can be attributed to many causes, these include; low economic status and a low GDP in affected countries meaning the majority of the population are living in poverty, little political power over the population leading to higher crime levels and little retribution for those who are caught, and low social status of particular groups including discrimination and lack of respect towards these people.

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