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The New Jim Crow

As a result, black codes were established and became the new rules of regulations for the south. They consisted of a list of laws that set up a peonage similar to that of slavery. Furthermore, to set an example, nine southern states adopted vagrancy laws. Vagrancy laws made it illegal to not have a job. These laws were mainly directed toward blacks (Alexander, 28). Trying to find work during at that time was extremely hard for any individual, especially blacks. If blacks were found without a job, they would be sent to prison and subjected to forced labor. In comparison to labor, this was even harsher. The plantation owners didn't care about the men and women leased to them, he didn't need them long term.     .
             Eventually the black codes were overturned and the future looked brighter. At this time, many of the federal civil rights legislations were passed and America went into the Reconstruction Era. Some of the civil rights legislations that were passed were the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment. The purpose of these amendments was to provide citizenship, the right to due process, and protecting the right to vote for all (Alexander, 29). However, these Amendments turned out to be false promises when the government stopped protecting these rights of southern black Americans. Literacy tests and poll tax were two steps included in voting registration that contributed to preventing blacks from voting. Most blacks couldn't read, and most were poor and couldn't afford poll taxes. The restrictions to registration now in place denied blacks the rights they were given and deserved. After slavery, the Jim Crow Laws were next in creating a caste system in America. This resulted in an even larger gap between whites and blacks which contributed to the start of segregation throughout the nation as well as to the racial caste system. The civil rights movement began in the late 1950's. By the 1960's, the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing.

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