Humans are one of the worlds most interesting creatures, they are all similar in anatomical complexion but differ individually on account that there are no two people are the same. Personally I have found that everyday can be a challenge because new social situations arise that I have never encountered and my social intelligence is put to the test. Since humans are complex human beings, not everything that we feel or think can be transmitted to the people which we interact with. Thus even someone with great social intelligence can be stumped by certain situations or people. There is more to social intelligence than being able to understand a persons thoughts and feelings in a situation because you have to be able to put your thoughts and feelings into perspective as well. Social intelligence can be seen all around us and experienced through different mediums that can give us a different perspective on a situation, such as social media, literature and even in social experiments. .
There is more to a social interaction than meets the naked eye because people can bring past interactions into present ones. When it comes to some people there has to be more reading in between the lines than with others because they are not as direct. Once a situation and the emotional state is figured out it can be important not to let their state have an impact on our emotional state. Emotional contagion is when positive or negative emotions are transferred to one another and tends to be unintentional especially when done through social media such as Facebook (Guillory, Hancock, & Kramer, 2014). Others positive or negative moods can affect us but sometimes it is not apparent that it is happening. This is something that can happen frequently and become overlooked when you are dealing with the same person and situation repeatedly. I found this to be the case with a previous relationship because my boyfriend always appeared to be upset.