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Inaugural Speech of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Roosevelt was referring to was the economic depression state that America was in when he took office. Roosevelt was warning America not to let their economy be paralyzed by the fears, which had overcome their reason and had made them over cautious about their actions. He might not have been completely understood at that time but Franklins warning was no doubt indeed valid. The great depression had its roots in an era of prosperity. .
             The 1920's, were years of genuine prosperity and real economic growth. Now the Consumer economy was a new thing, and so was the confidence in it's growth. The economy had been growing continuously for six or seven years and this fact made the people think that the dream has been reached. The Investors began investing into more and more of the optimism of the dream of becoming rich overnight. But suddenly something that was so inclement came around. The sales of everything began to slow down including consumer goods and properties stopped selling as fast as sells were doing just a few months ago. The more experienced and conventional businessmen foresaw that these were the signs of a slump so they realized just right then that at that time they had overproduced. The financiers and investors and also the bankers were the main ones to blame. They had involved a tremendous amount of Americans money in their stocks and had risked the soundness of the Americas economy and the prosperity of the American society that we were so promised. .
             But by the nineteen hundred and twenty nine's, the depression had had begun to show the signs of its coming and it had reached its depth and had gripped the United States by the time Roosevelt took the oath of office in 1933. Roosevelt was confronted by not only one but one of the greatest challenges of American history. And that was to get the country out of the ditch that it had been dragged into that the depression caused and the men in suits help create and to bring back the prosperity to the levels that we were used to and make way for further growth of the economy.

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