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Boosting Africa's Energy Sector

76 percent of Africa relies on wood fuel[Sie09]. Siemens is one of the top corporations in the field of sustainable energy efficiency. After looking to advanced countries, it appeared to be a relation between energy and national income. The majority of African countries are low income and have low usage of renewable energy, whereas sun-deprived regions such as Europe; most countries in Europe are high-income nations and are advanced in renewable energy[Kar02].
             Large-Scale Renewable Energy System.
             Some of the large scale is Geothermal, Hydropower, Modern Biomass, Wind, and Solar power, being usually grid connected[Jeb13]. 5 percent of Africa's hydropower potential, which is more than 1750 Terra Watt Hours, has been utilized[Pig09]. The total hydropower electricity supply for Africa is equivalent to the total electricity consumed in United Kingdom, Italy, France, and Germany all together[ElB12] . Inga River in Democratic Republic of Congo generates 40,000 mega watts from hydropower In fact, Congo has 50 % of Africa's hydropower potential. Several agriculture-based industries in the continent, like wood industries and rice mills, use their wastes to produce heat and power. With advanced technologies that increase efficiency, such facilities can produce significant power to be used domestically or sold to the national grid. Geothermal energy is untapped in many parts of Africa. It can generate up to 14,000 Mega Watts[The08]. Nevertheless, only Kenya has used it commercially. As of today, Kenya produces "127 Mega Watts, about 17 % of national power"[ElB12]. Internationally, wind energy usage has been increasing than any other sustainable energy technologies. In 2007, wind energy broke the world record of hydropower and produced 12 Giga Watts [Bio09]. Africa still lags behind other regions and wind projects are constrained by lack of precise information about wind potential. In 2008, Africa had only 476 Mega Watts installed wind energy capacity compared to global estimate 93,900 Mega Watts.

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