"For his own safety, Aurthor was sent with one of the chief's raiding parties and traveled during his year with the Cherokee to points as far south as Western Florida and Port Royal, and as far North as the state of Ohio and Kanawha Valley. Gabriel Aurthor was likely the first European to be in West Virginia" (Drake 27).
Although the fur trading was the pinnacle of prosperity for the Indians, it also brought a heavy price with it. The Europeans were gleaning the lands of all its game. This problem forced the Indians westward at a rapid pace. The Europeans also brought with them diseases unknown to the Indians that wiped out astronomical numbers of the Indian population. These problems brought forth-premature corruption in the beautiful lands of the Appalachian region. Wars broke out between the Indians and Europeans, and both groups reaped much grief.
The Europeans flourished in the Appalachian region, eventually running off the Indians for the precious bounty of the land. Soon after the Europeans, Germans, and Scott-Irish settlers came to North America. This increased the regiments for the foreigners, and the wars between the newcomers and the Indians didn't cease until the Indian tribes were almost completely destroyed. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the new settlers to start fighting amongst each other.
One of the most tragic of all wars is civil war. Brother against brother, father against son, this type of war is performed in a most grotesque manner. One of the few wars fought in .
North America was the Civil War. The tragedy and heartache of this war remains today. The Appalachian Civil War began roughly around Dec. 20, 1860 and lasted until the final surrender agreement between Johnston and Sherman at Durhaam Station, North Carolina, on April 26, 1865. Country folk and African American slaves mainly formed the regiments. "They were mostly from the country, and had been taken from their plows with such clothing as they happened to have on" (Noe and Wilson 114).