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Analyzing My Dream

             My sleep these days is so deep and sound that even fire alarms in the middle of the night couldn't awake. As I drew my breath, and let it out with a long exhale, it resembles snoring although I hate to admit so. Even if once in a while a dream may creep in, I would forget it the second I wake up. Recalling back memories, there is one dream that clearly haunts in my mind. .
             Men wearing black suit and tie are chasing me, not sure why, but they are. Chances are I own them some debt or my behavior goes against their will. They come from a powerful underworld organization whose boss hides in the dark. They don't hold guns in their hands but the weapon is loaded and prepared in their pocket. I was running for my life, gasping and eagerly finding an escape plan. Suddenly, I opened an emergency exit, stairs are whirling down. I jumped down, stairs by stairs, quickly distant our distance. I was pretty fast with the help of the handrail. My heart rate is elevated, blood vessels are dilated and my glucose levels are increased. I feel the thrill and excitement when my superior jumping skills could beat the gang and save my life. .
             After exiting the building, I was temporarily safe. I had this plastic bag in my hands. With short run-ups, I leave the ground and hedgehop with the plastic bag being my paraglider. Facing the rushing wind, I passed chasing enemies. My body is a light-weight bird. I could perch on a field and start flying again easily. I had this recurring dream in my high school when college entrance exam exerted high pressure on me. Rigid classroom disciplines was a trap to my imagination. My math teacher would reprimand my wandering in front of all classmates when he spotted my wavering eyes. Sitting all day long in the classroom from 7am to 10pm to me is no difference than a cage to a canary. .
             Sigmund Floyd pointed out that a dream is the manifest of our unconscious mind. Our conscious mind in daily life is only 1/9 of the iceberg while the rest of the iceberg is hidden under the sea and is invisible to us.

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