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The Text'd Out Project

             Although some states already have similar plans as laws for their state, like New York where fines range from loss of point on the driver's license to fines of up to $400 dollars plus court fees (Cell, 2014), anyone failing to follow the state-sponsored contract in this new era of driving correctly would be penalized severely. First would be monetary fines. The fines would range from $200 to $500 dollars per text. If a person would be a repeat offender, the fines would double, then triple and so forth in accordance to the amount of times the driver is caught texting and driving. If the driver still continues to text and drive, he or she can be subject to loss of driving privileges and jail time. And, just in case the driver is under the care of an adult, using the car of a parent or someone else, that third party would also be responsible for the same amount of fines and/or jail time. The state could also place monitoring devices on the driver's car, at the expense of the driver, that would alert the state, in real-time reporting, if the driver is texting or driving. This is something similar to people who get caught drinking and driving, but the driver does not have to blow into any machine to prove he or she has been drinking; this one would monitor any texting done in the car in general. This would also limit the driver from having anyone else in the car as any passenger's texting would count against the driver.
             Project Tex'd Out, as I would call it, would be endorsed by the federal government and all states governments. The project's coordinators would work diligently with federal and state lawmakers to make sure the texting and driving legislature would pass through any obstacle faced at the fe deral and state level. And, with the help of the lawmakers and the public in general, a new amendment would be added to the Constitution of the United States of America. Amendment 28 would be the "No Texting Amendment.

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