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Connecting Technology and Community

Now I can call a 201 area code number and end up talking to someone in Florida. .
             Not only is it easy to talk to someone in another community it also easy to find out personal information about someone from another community. Applications like Google allow you to type someones name and find out almost anything you want about them. These applications can make you feel like you know someone from a different community without ever meeting them. For example, one could google a new neighbor that just moved into the neighborhood and with the power of technology they can find out where they work, if they have ever been convicted of a felony and a picture of them. In the past before technology had advanced that information was private and you had to actually talk to your neighbor to find out this information about them.
             This new technology makes communities less social than they used to be in the pass. Technological advances such as google and social media sites make communicating in person almost non existent. Without talking to someone in person you can contact them on the internet. Technology can be beneficial and allow you to reconnect with former friends and acquaintances that you haven't spoken to in many years. Many communities have networking events that bring the communities together, but with the rapid increase in technology and its advancements many people do not attend the events. Now instead of bringing the community together, technology keeps people from really getting to know the people in their community. .
             With this new technology, we really do not live in an actual community where we are aware of the people and events that are around us. We now exist within and have created our own community. We spend so much time on it that the technology becomes the community that we belong to. A person listening to music with headphones is in his/her own community. With his/her headphones on they isolate themselves from their actual community and put themselves in an isolated community.

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