Mrs Joe's failure as mother creates an environment of abuse from which Pip sees becoming a gentleman would be his escape. .
Great Expectations uses first person narrative to give a personal perspective of Pip maturing into adulthood. Mrs Joe condescending and dominant towards her family and extremely vocal about the effort she has had to expend in order to maintain it, ruling with an iron hand and is not against using it to discipline. Joe, however, is a good, honest man who is a blacksmith. He has little say in the household and is not a character of any literate accomplishment (pp 45). The effective use of Joe's character within this story transcends far beyond the Victorian ideology which looked at wives and mothers as angelic in their care and protection of the home, as discusses by Brunt (2004). The ideal was for men to act as the sole providers and women to work in the home and distribute the husband's income to the various household needs. As a family they are not considered part of the middle class, and their home which is attached to Joe's forge gives a further indication of their lower social class. It is clear that Joe is representative throughout the novel of Pip's conscience a reminder of his roots which he strives to escape. .
Most of the punishments that Pip endures as a child are also endured by Mrs. Joe's own husband. In fact, Mrs. Joe treats her husband as another child, one whose mouth needs to be rinsed with tar-water (pp 12), and who endures physical outrage as much as Pip. It is important to note Mrs Joe's domestic failure, extends to her role of wife as well as mother. Even the physical appearance depicted by Mrs. Joe is a contrast to the idea of a domestic angel (pp 8). .
Mrs. Joe has a harsh, dominating, bullying temperament which is made clear at the outset. She uses a cane, which she has given the name 'Tickler', and she has often used this cane to punish Pip. She has a very sharp tongue too.