But the eternal happiness is for only those who devote themselves to code of life defined by religion. That characteristic makes religion most precious jewel for the followers. That jewel they do not want to be damaged or handled recklessly. Religious conservatism is thus born. So, whenever someone objects any aspect of a religion of someone else's, there emerges rift and sometimes, violence. In 18th and 19th century Europe was the battleground for Catholics and Protestants just because each criticized the other, a manifestation of conflict arising out of conservatism. Also, that conservatism forces men to preserve their beliefs by any means possible whenever their existence is threatened. Example is the United Kingdom which, despite claiming to be a secular country, does not allow any Catholic to ascend the throne or be the prime minister. Same is in Pakistan where a non-Muslim cannot become head of state or of the government. Motives behind such policies are protection of certain religious beliefs and interests from being influenced. Not just it, devotees of every religion believe in sole righteousness of their religious beliefs. Consequence is that radical preaching of each religion takes place to the point that ideologies of spirituality are attacked by mouth and arm. Conservatism now develops into extreme violence. Terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, Taliban and Boko Haram are its blunt examples. These organizations have the motto to impose the set of ideas on people of all regions which they consider righteous and guarantor of deliverance from sorrow. If a political picture is drawn now, the fact becomes crystal clear that most of the terrorist organizations states are confronting with are religiously inspired; most of the domestic policies are somewhat colored in religious considerations; and foreign policies are not completely secular. In short, politics and religion are not really separated.