After being shunned by several people and places, he finds a hut outside of a peasant family's house where he stays. His immorality begins when he steals food from the family. Now, the creature did not know at the time that they were poor, but it was still wrong to do this. He understands his mistake and wants to help the family, so he starts to do various chores for them. After leaving the family and wandering to find his creator, Frankenstein, he comes upon a small boy who mocks him for how he looks. This is where the true immorality begins. The creature is filled with anger and strangles this boy, later discovered to be Frankenstein's brother and even plants a picture on the servant for the Frankensteins, Justine. But the immorality does not stop here. The creature talks with Victor and convinces him to make a "Mrs. Creature." The creature follows Victor around until he decides to finally make the new creature. However, Victor changes his mind at the last minute and destroys what would be the creature's partner. From this point on the creature vows revenge on Frankenstein and tells him that he will be with him on his wedding night. After this, the creature goes on to murder more people closely tied to Frankenstein, including his best friend Henry and his soon to be wife Elizabeth.
Certainly most people are aware that murder, with intention, and the framing of Justine in the murder of William are crimes, and are considered immoral. In most cases of crimes, the accused goes through a process of deciding whether they are actually responsible for their crimes or not. This is what one must do with the creature and his crimes.
First the cause and origin of immorality should be discussed. There are many different viewpoints from psychologists on why people do immoral things. Some psychologists believe that humans, when doing immoral acts, do not truly understand the ethics of the situation.