Approximately 25% of men do housework and this problem fits the norm of today's society. This is not only an issue in the US, but other countries like in Africa, Europe and Asia as well. .
Because men are mostly in power, they are constantly making choices to regulate women in all institutions. Take the health institution for example; birth control for example is not covered under most insurance plans, while Viagra is. These problems represent the Conflict Theory and they need to be resolved. The Symbolic Internationalist Perspective integrates in all of these inequalities and then symbolically labels women. What do you think of when you hear someone say "she runs like a girl?" I am more so focused on the problem, gender roles, gender in the workplace, and discrimination against women in society. By having this parting of the sexes through gender inequalities, we learn that it is a social problem that should be rectified. Strategies to resolve this problem are as followed. Firstly, there should be more daycare centers to help working mothers. Secondly, family leave laws should be instituted, so there is no threat of the mother being accused of child negligence. Third, we must change education so that women and men are not influenced to carry out dominance gender roles. Fourth, we must match like work with like pay wages, encourage equal pay for both men and women. Lastly, equal employment opportunities in the country should be achieved in order to ensure equal education and economic success among both women and men. While these strategies may take forever to flourish, it gives society a foundation, one with hope to balance inequalities amongst the sexes. After conducting a comprehensive research via PCCC library online database, I found articles that spoke volumes in regards to the social problem at hand.
""An insult to my dignity" is the way Lilly Ledbetter described it.