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Immigration Laws in the United States

The common reason given by immigrants for their dislocation is in search of "better life". It might sound vague for when one crosses border and move to an entirely new world in search of better life. To most immigrants, "better life" refers to better educational system, better job opportunity, better political situation and administration system. Most young immigrants move to the America to learn. Better education opportunity is the first reason people to migrate to the US. The educational system and quality of education of the US is better than those of other countries in different ways. Schools in the US provide better education materials to explain to the students what they are learning about. For example, a biology laboratory in a school in the US has much more learning tools and instruments than those in developing countries. Most of the teaching-learning process in developing countries are done theoretically while student in the US get to see and do many experiments practically which makes it a lot easier to understand.
             Another reason for foreigners to move to is the better job opportunity in the US. Being unable to find a job after finishing school can be a frustrating experience. Therefore, people tend to move to countries with better job opportunity in order to avoid this frustrating. Although it seems like job opportunities are diminishing here in the US too, finding a job is more challenging in other countries. In some cases, people graduate from university, earn their bachelor degree and still waste a great deal of time looking for the job with the field they studied. If people move to a different country because they are not comfortable and cannot fulfill their needs where there were, one may wonder why the government should put a restriction on their entrance to the other country. This leads to a debate on the effects of immigrants on the country they are migrating to.

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