Further there is evidence that athletes gorged themselves on meat (not a normal dietary staple of the Greeks) and even experimented with herbal medications, drank wine potions, used hallucinogens and ate animal hearts or testicles in search of potency in an effort to enhance their performances. With this evidence it is safe to make the statement that as long as there has been competitive sporting events, athletes have been in search for non-conventional methods to boost their performance. This sets the stage for the history and development of drugs in sport. As scientific technology has advanced since the ancient Greeks, performance-enhancing drugs have advanced conversely. Prior to the 19th century these drugs mainly involved natural and herbal remedies. After the 19th century the introduction of laboratory made synthetic substances became more popular. .
The 1960's marked the turning point of the legal predicaments regarding performance enhancing drug use in sports. In the early 1960's the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an anabolic steroid "Dianabol" created by Dr. John Bosley Zieglar for sale in the United States. The 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome mark the true turning point and initiated the drug real crack down by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). During these Olympics Danish cyclist, Knut Jensen became the second athlete ever to die during Olympic competition. Immediately the IOC recognized both the liability of an issue that was growing out of control, and the impacts this issue was having on the integrity of the sport. Soon after, the IOC actively attempted to put a stop to the problems and these exact issues that where developing due to it. The IOC established a Medical Commission to fight against doping in sports. The Commission is given three guiding principles: protection of the health of athletes, respect for medical and sport ethics, and equality for all competing athletes.