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American Public Policy Issues

             Gun control and healthcare are two current public policy issues in the United States. Laws are currently being put into place to get a handle on gun control. President Obama has executed a plan to deter gun violence in the U.S. Also, President Obama has recently implemented the healthcare reform bill to ensure U.S. citizens are able to afford and obtain healthcare insurance. Team A's paper will address the following: provide a brief concise summary of gun control and healthcare reform, state specific interrelationship between gun control and healthcare among middle class citizens as well as Affordable Care Act. .
             Gun Control.
             A plan has been executed by the President of the United States, Barack Obama to protect the children and communities by implementing gun control laws. "The plan combines executive actions and calls for legislative action that would help keep guns out of the wrong hands, ban assault and high-capacity magazines, make our schools safer, and increase access to mental health services."(Obama, 2013) There are several steps that can be taken to get a handle on the issue of gun control such as: firearm sales must require background checks, law enforcement must be provided with the tools they need to prevent and prosecute gun crime, and more resource officers must be hired within schools. .
             Healthcare Reform.
             As 2014 looms, the healthcare issue seems a part of American life. If not now, everybody will become involved soon. Better known as Obama Care, The Affordable Care Act shows as a good idea; however many remain worried about costs and fines associated with health insurance reform. The reform should make the process to obtain health insurance easier and more affordable. Current health insurance holders will see a few extra benefits also. As with many reforms, problems arise. Many questions remain unanswered with approximately 13 weeks until the mandatory insurance requirements begin.

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