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Flouride in New Zealand Waters

There statment is that along with brushing your teeth twice a day daily, eating the correct and healthy food and having regular check ups at the dentists or hygienists, the fluoridation of water can have a significant benefit to individuals. They also believe that the groups that are anti fluoridation are 'poorly conducted, lack substance and repeat previous statements already shown to be without scientific validity'. The Ministry of Health go on to say how that the anti fluoridation groups can not be reliable as their studies are conducted in laboratories and can not be counted upon outside the area that the test was conducted in, so they have no actual proof or evidence of effects on public health. The Ministry of Health believe that the only side-effect that has come from water fluoridation is a slight to mild case of fluorosis, which is purely cosmetic. In their conclusion they believe that water fluoridation is completely safe, and that the research they have gathered has concluded that water fluoridation is safe and effective for all individuals. Although they do admit that in an excessive amount of fluoride can cause white flecks on the teeth, they also say that anything in a large amount is bad for you, including oxygen, water and iron. .
             Another pro water fluoridation group is Colgate. Their belief is that Fluoride helps prevent cavities in two different ways. One is that the fluoride concentrates on the growing bones and developing teeth of children (aged 2-12). This helps them by hardening the enamel on baby teeth before they emurge. The second is that it helps harden the enamel on and around the adult teeth that have already emerged, helping to keep bacteria from decaying the tooth. Colgate also believe that if your drinking water is fluoridated then brushing your teeth regularly with toothpaste that contains fluoride should be sufficient enough to stop decay in adults and children, leaving them with healthy teeth.

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