This ability for organic systems to store energy is due to their highly complex physical characteristics that they do not share with inorganic systems. The developments of these characteristics do not inherently cause the organism to store energy, but they do enable that organism to store energy. .
A second development is that organic objects have a species being, of which they are described by a set of specific behavioral characteristics, rather than just being a set of individual molecules. These organic objects do not share in phylogenetic character. Rather, the appearance of these higher organisms, their phenotype, is never actually consistent. This is due to a rather complex process that is unique to higher developed animals and plants. In every organic organism, a structural plan is passed on through genes that are grouped into two chromosomes. Before reproduction the chromosomes split and the reproductive cells gain only one chromosome from each parent. Because of this, and mutations in the chromosomes themselves, entirely original combinations of genetic traits occur in the reproductive cells (1). These variations are minor and they do not occur so frequently as to threaten the survival of the species as a whole, but these variations are entirely random, and thus they do not always work to the benefit of the organism. Their chief consequences result in either an increased ability to acquire energy and survive, or a decreased ability to acquire energy and survive. Those mutations that increase an animal's ability to acquire energy are rewarded as those animals now have an increased chance to survive and reproduce. This process also works to ensure mutations with negative consequences are eradicated. For instance, if a mutation in the color of a rabbit causes it to be better camouflaged, it is better equipped for it's environment and has a greater chance to live and reproduce.