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Uniforms and Student Behavior

One option that more and more schools are considering is the implementation of a uniform policy. A Nevada school believes that implementing a uniform policy will increase attendance, self-confidence, safety and student attentiveness while decreasing discipline issues, gang involvement, and bullying. (Sanchez, Yoxsimer, and Hill, 2012) In this report the author received data from the schools administration as well as from teachers with their documentation of issues. The author also used surveys for the students to respond with how they felt about the uniforms as well as parents response.  The differences found in the before and after results were not very significant. .
             Although there were some differences found between genders, grades, and racial/ ethnic backgrounds. The dissertation of Sowell focuses on two schools in rural southwest Georgia and pays close attention to academic achievement, attendance, and discipline referral rates to determine if the school with uniform program had a positive effect on these topics compared to the school without the uniform program. He used information gained from the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT), as well as 19 quantitative studies, data received from the discipline referral offices, list of absenteeism, and interviews with the student body and staff to write this dissertation. The school with uniforms had less absenteeism then the school without uniforms. The results for English from the GHSGT were similar but the school with uniforms scored significantly lower in math. The school with uniforms had a higher rate of level 1 and level 3 discipline referrals but not a significant amount higher. The school with uniforms did have a significantly higher amount of level 2 referrals. Ultimately the school with uniforms had a better record for attendance but also a higher rate of discipline referrals. (Sowell, 2012) Another study wanted to determine if the rise in school uniform policies has a negative, neutral or positive effect on behavior in the classroom and on campus while other school safety initiatives are also in place.

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