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Living on the Edge

            Young adults rarely worry about health care or insurance, yet they continue to suffer sports injuries, accidents, need emergency surgeries and more. According to the latest Census Bureau information, 29 percent of all males and females between the age of 18 and 24 do not have any form of health insurance. As it becomes more difficult to find full-time employment with health benefits, that figure is growing even higher.
             While young people used to think they would graduate from college and land a job that provides health insurance within a month or two, that scenario is becoming exceedingly rare. Finding the perfect job now often takes considerably longer than expected, or they could find employment with half of the country's small businesses with under 100 employees that do not provide health insurance.
             "There is a lot of confusion regarding insurance coverage for older students and recent graduates," said Bob Fahlman, vice president of EhealthInsurance.com. "For children not in college, their coverage on a parent's policy usually ends at age 19. For those in college, it depends on the policy, but coverage ends between ages 23 and 25. People really need to do their homework regarding coverage regarding major medical.".
             Coverage can become whole.
             Sometimes a parent's HMO or PPO also doesn't provide physicians in the new area their child will live while away at school. While most students in college are covered by health care plans on campus, that only takes care of the smaller problems.
             "A student health nurse is for a 'lumps-and-bumps' type of visit," Fahlman said. "That's not really meant to be the end all for medical coverage.".
             But there are plans specifically designed for college students. According to Fahlman, whose company sells student policies, a 20-year-old male can get coverage as low as $28 per month for a catastrophic plan. Because students are usually younger and healthier, rates are lower and the plan remains with them as long as they pay their premiums, semi-annually or annually.

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