Hamlet's irrational and impulsive behavior coincides with A.P. Rossiter's1 comment that his ".action is.controlled by the ghost's revelation of foul treachery." and the strong emotions it evokes within him. This influential nature of prevailing emotions upon an individual's search for answers never ceases within human kind and Shakespeare has thoroughly exemplified this idea.
By creating the corrupt and unstable world of Ellsinore, Shakespeare reflects the political uncertainty of his period, Ellsinore becomes a representation of the world. LC Knights2, a 20th century authority on Shakespearean literature, argues, "The ethos of the place is made up of coarse pleasures, of moral obtuseness, treacherous plotting and brainless triviality." The opening scene is a perfect example of the instability present at Ellsinore, the tension is evoked by the opening line: "Who's there?" The use of the rhetorical question is important in establishing the chaos and uncertainty as the scene consists of questioning and establishing the identities of others. Shakespeare has already introduced the fundamental questioning of humanity in its search for answers, and thus introducing the theme of truth and appearances. .
Act 1, Scene 2 delves further into the complex characterization of Hamlet and the moral dilemma he is governed by, the death of the King and marriage of Gertrude and Claudius. Hamlet has been reinterpreted as a character in many different contexts. Modern interpretations are influenced by the growing understanding of psychology and therefore analyse Hamlet's intentions, yet Shakespeare's audience would have characterized him as a hero of the revenge tragedy. Shakespeare characterizing Hamlet as a Renaissance man, a thinker capable of questioning the purpose of existence, allows him to become the one reality among the deceit. As TS Eliot3 suggests, "the 'madness' of Hamlet was feigned in order to escape suspicion" thus making it Hamlet's duty to become the truth teller and restore order to Ellsinore.