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American Influenza Vaccines

" But when you look up the Influenza Vaccine on the Center for Disease Control website, they have no information of the possible side effects of getting the vaccine, only the benefits of getting one. Why are there not any side effects of the vaccine on the website? Can the vaccine really help protect your family from influenza? The influenza vaccine was created by the government and so was the Center of Disease Control (CDC), which is why there is no information on the possible side effects. The government created the influenza vaccination in order to keep the American population in fear of an influenza outbreak while they make a fortune in pharmaceutical expenses by slowly sickening them with the poisonous toxins in the vaccine. .
             Many sources have concluded that getting the influenza vaccine can create serious problems to those who get the vaccine. This goes against the popular idea that it actually helps boost your immune system to fight the Influenza disease. The President of the National Vaccine Information Center, Barbara Loe Fisher stated "As of November 2013, there have been more than 93,000 reports of reactions, hospitalizations, injuries and deaths following influenza vaccinations" (Espejo 82). This being said, I find it hard to believe that the Center of Disease Control (CDC) shows no negative side effects for the influenza vaccine. Fisher also reports, "Influenza vaccines containing the Pandemic H1N1 'swine flu' strain have generated increased reports of paralysis, blood disorders and convulsions" (Espejo 83). With all of this evidence against the influenza vaccine, people are still being told to get the vaccine. They are not told of these side effects. Why? Because multi-national corporations run by the government are making billions upon billions of dollars each year on this one vaccine. So, why would these corporations stop promoting something that is making them much money? The same reason that McDonalds is still selling unhealthy food.

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