Furthermore, we can notice that the used diction in the preamble is quite optimistic and draws patriotism to highlight the role of the Constitution. The words are unifying such as "we", and "Perfect Union". Although the Declaration of Independence was mainly written by the intellectual elite of the new country, "we the people" conveys the belief that the rights given under the document were given to all American citizens. The Declaration is based on certain truths, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". These rights should be provided and never taken away by the government, when a government fails to grant rights to the people and removes the involvement of the people; the people have the right to change their government in a way that will allow their unalienable rights to be protected. Notice that this states equal rights to white men, and arguably Native Americans, however these "unalienable rights" do not apply to women. Moreover, he claims happiness for all but does not mention of the rights of the African Americans, in fact in his notes on Virginia, Jefferson makes inflammatory and derogatory remarks directed against African Americans who he clearly believes to be inferior to the white race. .
Moving on to the list of grievances and unfair actions of King George the lll, as well as this it lists the steps taken by the colonies to settle their differences. In fact, Jefferson claims that the colonies have suffered in silence and have tried many times to improve the conditions of life imposed by King George lll. The first twelve abuses are against the establishment of a tyrannical authority instead of a representative government. However, King George the lll rejected the legislation proposed by the colonies, he has dissolved the bodies of representation, and has replaced colonial government with his appointed ministers.