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Coney Island and the Mirror Effect

These new advancements in the parks reflected what was happening in major cities in America and also helped change the culture. The new technology made it possible for Americans to enjoy more leisure time and slip from the stern grip of city life. At the turn of the century a train from Manhattan could reach Coney in about 30 minutes. Also the price of a train ticket dropped from 40 cents to a nickel, these large changes in transportation made vacation much more accessible for the masses. Technology change led to a large emphasis on leisure time with most Americans which not only made Coney Island one of the most popular destinations on earth but also managed to loosen US culture by freeing middle class workers to escape the harshness of the city. .
             New technology change in the 20th century made escaping the city much easier for middle class and blue collar workers, but why were so many eager to leave the city for respite? As John F. Kasson states, "Coney Island, by contrast, provided an area in which visitors were temporarily freed from normative demands." (41) In the city social structure was very rigid. A young man would never be able to approach a girl he had not met and start a conversation or mingle outside of his social class. However at Coney these social restrictions were temporarily suspended and visitors were encourage to shed their accustomed roles and status. Coney Island encouraged intimacy and activity participation among guests some of which was caused by certain rides which made the park goers come in close proximity and some was just caused by the freedom and atmosphere of the park. Coney Island shattered all sexual norms found in cities at the time. Coney created an intimate experience where guests especially young people were free to dress down, mingle, and share heated moments. Coney also allowed for a more diverse view of the world. Most cities were very homogeneous and lacked any traditions from other countries.

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