These effects can affect the parent of the child, but you must realize that they have no idea how to deal with the way they are, so you must (Hoffman, 2003). Children always look up to their parents as role models. If you aren't supporting what your son or daughter is doing as a person, how are they supposed to act towards themselves and their children?.
What long-term affects does GID have in youth?.
Many suggest that the long-term effects are not very determined, because the only evidence out there of long-term effects are people who have openly shared their experience or have said that they were diagnosed with GID, which is not a huge percent of the already small population. Short-term effects of GID can become long-term; it depends on the person whether or not they show it (Hoffman, 2003). Long-term effects are also only possible and determined based on nature vs nurture. Some children display the effects and other do not; this is because of the different environments the children grew up in.
An example of a long-term effect can be described in a word: metrosexual. The definition of metro-sexuality is dressing and acting like another gender, but having a hetero sexual orientation (Zucker, 2004). This just means that children diagnosed with GID may grow up to be generally confused about their gender and may stay confused for the majority of their lives, and there is nothing wrong with that. Cross-dressing and things of that sort are also very common in boys when they have long term effects.
Does having GID have a role in sexuality/sexual orientation?.
There is some speculation about GID being a cause of a non heterosexual orientation, but it is not entirely proven. Of the studied population of boys who were diagnosed with GID, seventy-five percent came out as homosexual (Dragoski, 2011). This could suggest that GID may have some correlation with sexuality, or that your sexual orientation may raise your chances of being diagnosed with GID.