I got some views finally after search and analysis theories and cases. This essay will describe the need of engage in responsible commerce systematically. .
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as both practice and theory spans a wide variety of issues, depending on what entities are perceived as being stakeholders. One organization may address CSR solely by providing day care facilities for working mothers, while the business down the street has an institutionalized CSR program designed to meet at least some of the most pressing business-related needs of shareholders, suppliers, customers, employees, the environment, and local community groups. Of particular contemporary interest are corporations whose global reach extends from well-heeled shareholders to local settlements in the Third World. If corporations do not assume these responsibilities on their own, governments are often expected to provide incentives for them to do so. But in now days, most company prefer short term benefit. They all comply with utilitarianism which is a philosophical theory of morality and "how one should act". It states that one should act so as to maximize the amount of happiness in the world and it focuses on the consequences of actions. Utilitarianism is defined as the greatest good for the greatest number with pain over pleasure, this is important because otherwise it would be okay to torture convicted criminals just to get answers about other criminals, which is bad because you intentionally causing a person pain and that is immoral which is bad. Utilitarianism is also the opposite of deontological ethics, which state that actions can only be criticized if they are done with duty or good intention essentially, man is not used as a means to an end and that the action does not violate the side-constraint. .
Let's list Ford Pinto as the example. In late 1960's, Ford decided to build a lightweight car to compete with increasingly popular Japanese cars.