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The Terror of Declaring Independence

            "The lash whistled like a singing wind. We tried to count the blows, but we lost count. We knew that the blows were falling upon our back. Only we felt nothing upon our back any longer." This realization is all too real, for the citizens of Anthem that choose to oppose the council. Because of the severe punishment, for standing out, it causes most to not have a voice in the community. The lack of having a voice in society would drive many in today's world insane, but not in the community of Anthem, where they are punished for expressing their opinion, and are scared of speaking up.
             Being lied to from birth is not the ideal way to grow up in most peoples opinion. Because anthems population is forced into school from birth, they have no way of knowing what is the actual truth. The council is controlling their education so that they will never have the slightest opposition. Specifically, they are taught that what has happened corrupted. In particular they focus on how the council rebuilt the community and 'made it a better place'. In addition to controlling you into an occupation that you may, or may not excel in. As a result, they are creating sameness throughout anthem. While it may not seem like it to the citizens, the council is discreetly brainwashing them into becoming a pacifist army. .
             The council has been ingraining in the communities minds that it is a punishable offense to oppose what they say, and think. Being different is a harsh sin in the society of anthem. Specifically, causing very few to stand out or express their opinions. There are a few that still choose to express what they think, and stand up for what they believe, in spite of the cruel, and painful punishments that follow. The price for standing up, costs the offender imprisonment, or worse, public lashings. Also in extreme cases of opposition, the offender can receive capital punishment. In the rare case that this killing would happen, they are composed publicly to instill fear, and keep the majority under their control.

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