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Understanding of Prayer in Islam

And that is why man fears and worships Him.
             There is a significant difference between the prayers of those who believe, and the prayers of pagans (idolaters). Believers know they are powerless against Allah, so they are consistent with their prayers. They turn to him every time, under every circumstance. However, pagans turn away from religion most of their lives and forget about Allah. During times like this, they turn to their idols as their gods instead of Allah. These people only remember Allah when they are in distress and need His help. This is when they sincerely pray for their hardships to pass because they know that no other creature or entity, which they worship can save them. So they whole-heartedly turn to Allah. But when all is well again, they forget Allah and go back to their idols. They are ungrateful for His blessings and His grace. .
             Believers should continuously pray to Allah. They should trust only Allah, and know that there is no other helper or guardian. Some may think that prayer is an inconvenience, but to the believers it is not a great expense. Believers achieve true satisfaction and fulfillment only when they ask for the help of Allah. They know that their own power is not enough to accomplish anything. They must turn to Allah who is capable of doing everything. Knowing that Allah is watching over him, the believer feels profound happiness and pleasure. .
             "Man was created impatient." He needs to be blessed with good fortune so that he won't grow tight-fisted. And this blessing can only come from Allah. By speaking to Allah through consistent prayers, man strengthens his bond with Him. And that is the bond that helps "fend off lewdness and evil." It is also a way of purify man's soul. By praying, man is doing a good deed which helps wipe away some of his bad deeds. Not all bad deeds are forgiven in this manner, but it does help. Praying will make man feel remorseful, and keep him occupied so that he won't want to perform sins.

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