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America, Religion and Gay Rights

             III. The National Organization for Marriage Education Fund was created in 2007 in hopes to abolish the on-going fight of same-sex marriages in state and federal legislatures, in the courts at all levels, and in the population on a global scale. "NOM's purpose is to act as a national resource for marriage-related initiatives at the state and local level. The NOM Education Fund's mission is to conduct research, public education, and strategic projects that promote an understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman" (NOM). They also help defend the religious freedom of religious faith practices. Throughout these years, these groups have put time and effort into informing the community about the importance of marriage and the family, yet they lack the organized, national presence needed to reach out to the state and local politics in a stable and orderly fashion. "NOM seeks to fill that void, organizing as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, giving it the flexibility to lobby and support marriage initiatives across the nation"(NOM). .
             A supporting group such as, Parents Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays, also known as the PFLAG group, promoting education and aiding organizations for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, their families, friends and allies. Their agenda starts off with reaching the organization's full potential, making it possible to have all the resources, including information, people and funding which is essential in achieving greatest possible outcome. Allowing people to mature through education with freedom from fear of violence, bullying and other forms of discrimination, disregarding their sexual orientation or any affiliated members of their family. "They want to make their vision well known so they can create a society in which all LGBT persons may openly and safely pursue the career path of their choice.

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