After six days and many attempts, help finally came from two natives from who were watching the coast. For Kennedy's act of courage, he was awarded a medal from the Navy and Marine Corps as well as a purple heart. About a year after the attack, Joseph Kennedy Jr., Kennedy's brother, died when his plane exploded in August 1944. With the passing of Joe Jr., Kennedy took the responsibility and dreams of being a political leader.
After time in the Navy, Kennedy's new responsibility was to became the family politician. Kennedy ran for a position in the United States House of Representatives in 1946 and easily won the election because of his father's wealth and heroic deeds. He served as a congressman from 1947-1953. With Kennedy's political career rising, he met Jacqueline Bouvier at a dinner party in Georgetown. They dated for two years and on September 12, 1953 Kennedy and Jacqueline were married. In 1953, Kennedy decided to run for a spot in the Senate. Once again, Kennedy won and tried to make a difference in the nation. He was a part of the Senate Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor and Management Field, which helped to eliminate the dishonesty in labor unions. He also was in the Senate's Famous Five of 1957. Although, Kennedy did not like his work because he thought he was not impacting the United States. .
Behind all of the political perks, Kennedy had a few hardships during this time. Kennedy and Jacqueline had a miscarriage in 1955 and a stillbirth in 1956. These deaths made the couple struggle in their marriage and was one of the most difficult times in their lives. But in 1957, the two tried for another baby. Caroline Kennedy was born on November 27, 1957 a healthy baby girl, and instantly had Kennedy under control. She opened up Kennedy's eyes to manhood and made him a more mature man and husband.
In 1960, Kennedy ran for President of the United States of America. Kennedy's Democrat opponent was Hubert Humphrey.