The movements of stentors depend highly on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Stentors are single celled protozoan found in slow moving fresh water (Stentor, 2015). They belong to the class spirotrichea in the phylum Ciliophora (Hickman, 2013). Stentors move and feed by the locomotion caused by cilia (Hickman, 2013). They are ectothermic, which means that the environment temperature determines their body temperature (Stentor, 2015). Our objective for this lab was to study the rate of movement of stentor in contrast with different water temperatures. Therefore, stentor was tested in 5° C water and 20° C water in order to study the effects temperature has on their movement. We hypothesized that by increasing the temperature of the surrounding environment, the speed of stentor will increase as well because an increase in heat is directly related to an increase in energy.
Materials and Methods .
To begin the lab we obtained a gridded depression slide and applied Vaseline outlining the grid. The professor then added the Stentor and water mixture to the slide where finally the coverslip was applied. Then using ice, we prepare and controlled the water in the bowls to the correct temperature. The slide was then set in a 5° C bowl of water followed by a 20° C bowl of water. Stentor was finally observed and studied under the dissecting microscope. Each time stentor would cross a millimeter mark, it would be counted and added to the data. The number of lines crossed was counted in one minute for each temperature for three separate trials. The results were gathered, analyzed, and plotted on bar graphs along with charted T-tests. For each graph the mean, range, and standard deviation were calculated and for every T-test the probability was calculated.
Results .
The analyzed data suggests that an increase in temperature of the environment causes an increase in movement of stentors.
Implementations of things like libraries, computer labs, or scientific labs increase test scores in reading and mathematics (Severin, Eugenio). ... The only question is, which piece of infrastructure is best to implement: computer labs, libraries, or scientific labs? Methodology The three different pieces of infrastructure that we decided to examine were: computer labs, libraries, and scientific labs. ... There were three research reports that were examined to collect useful information. ... The report when on to describe how laptops resulted in higher test scores (Duarte et Al). ...
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The finale of the lab had to be the final analysis of the data by using Origin to graph vs. ... This phenomenon was demonstrated in the lab by the angle of separation between the spheres as it grew when they were moved closer together. ... There are unfortunately several spots in this lab for sources of error, most notably; it is very delicate equipment that was used. ... In addition, there are also the minimalized sources of error of breathing, talking, or movement in the room that can change the precision of the apparatus in the middle of the experiment. ... Lab notebook, Case Western Re...
An amazing world exists just beyond the naked eye. Pond water is one place to investigate this landscape of single cells that behave as independent organisms. Biologists have named this group, the protists. This report will fill you in on ones that can be most likely found in ponds. Protist, were a...
This entire lab helpfully highlights many aspects of rotational motion in a simple clear cut layout. ... This will allow you to collect multiple forces acting outward on the bob using the movement of the marker as the key to collecting all data. ... Discussing Error Possible sources of error arise from a few things in this lab. ... Conclusion Overall the lab highlighted in a basic format the forces acting in circular motion. ... The lab was straightforward and helpful....
Pre-Lab Part A: 1. ... Cell wall- protects the cell Plasma membrane- boundary between cell and environment Nucleolus- makes ribosomes Chloroplast- captures light Cytoplasm- clear gelatinous fluid Pre-Lab Part B: 1. ... We did make an error in the process of the lab. ...
LAB QUESTIONS 1. ... There are many small factors that could have contributed to error in this lab. ... EVALUATION This lab was a good lab to start the year off with. ... What this lab taught me about mass, volume, and density. ... This lab will prepare you for other labs cause it taught you the basic skills you need to know. ...