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My Turn to Be Bullied

When I got to our bus I hopped on and grabbed two seats, mine and Catherine's and then the one in front of us for Faith. When they got to the bus they acted like they did not hear me saying their name and they sat behind me and didn't even make eye contact. I said to myself " what in the heck was all that about?"  "I haven't done anything to them, maybe they just had a bad day" I continued. Oh well, I thought. I just sat in my seat quietly and listening to music on my phone. It was a very long ride home that afternoon. .
             When we finally arrived at our bus stop, I jumped up and went to get out of my seat, but couldn't because Catherine had rushed by causing me to fall back into my seat. I didn't think anything of it, I let it go. When we all were off the bus I noticed Catherine and Faith did not wait like they usually did if we got split up getting off the bus, so I hollered up "bye Cat and Faith, see you tomorrow." "Bye fatty." they replied. I was very puzzled at this point. I just kept walking. When I got to my house I went into my parents' bedroom to talk to my mom about it. I said "mom, the weirdest thing happened today" "what was it Lex?" she said. "well Catherine and Faith didn't sit by me on the bus nor did they make eye contact " I said "then when we got off the bus I hollered to say bye to them and they replied with a bye fatty" mom went on to say "hmm, well Lex, maybe they just had a really bad day." So I just took what my mother had said and went on with my normal afternoon and evening activities. "Hey Lex, Phone" I heard. "Okay I got it" "hello" I said. "Hi Lexie its Catherine, I want to say sorry for today, would you like to hang out for a little while?" "Sure I'll be right out I said" When I got outside I only had seen Catherine, and not Faith, which was fine by me but very irregular for them two. "Where's Faith" I said. "Oh she's grounded." Said Catherine, "oh okay" I said, I dropped it after that, mom always told me not to get into people's business.

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