"In order for a community to be fully protected against a disease, 80 to 90 percent of its population needs to have been vaccinated" (Heyworth). Measles, mumps, and pertussis are just a few of the diseases that through vaccinations the U.S. had virtually wiped out. Now many of these diseases are piggy backing their way back into our communities. With the influx of third world children coming into the country through child trafficking, unvaccinated children are putting our schools, churches, and neighborhoods in a high risk and deadly situation. .
Many children cannot be vaccinated due to their immune system being compromised from allergies or deficiencies from chemotherapy. These kids strongly rely on herd immunity as they try and reintegrate themselves back into normal lives. They should not be punished because of the carelessness of others. Dr. Tim Jacks conveys his frustration in an open letter to the parents of unvaccinated children and how it has affected his family. He beseeches them "Please realize that your child does not live in a bubble. When your child gets sick, other children are exposed. My children" (Mother Jones). He groups people in four categories when it comes to vaccines. The first group receives the vaccine and develops an immunity to the disease. The second, which constitutes about three percent of fully vaccinated children, do not develop a lasting immunity. The third group are either too young to receive or have refused protection and therefore have no protection. This group has a 90 percent chance of contracting measles if exposed. The fourth and final group, are the children that cannot be vaccinated because they are truly allergic to all or part of a vaccine, or have cancer and are extremely immunocompromised. Dr. Jacks provides details how his four year old daughter was supposed to be on a 3 week "vacation" from chemotherapy when she was exposed to measles.