Mate is a brilliant, marvel of a human being and his insights are hauntingly stunning and equally eye-opening. But why does Dr. Mate possess the thought process he does? Dr. Mate's ability to utilize critical thinking and an outside of the box mentality allows him to stand out from his pack of peers. I admire the ability of Dr. Mate to recite his past failures and missteps as a way of improving himself, not only as a parent, but as a human being. The majority of the speeches I heard from him struck a discord within my soul, because I felt as if I could relate to his wordings. I would say the vast majority of his speeches, the vast majority of the time, were completely enthralling and I couldn't help but find myself entranced by the eloquent way the Dr. would elaborate his research and findings. Mate's open mindedness and deep understanding of the subject matter he discusses can really only be attained by someone with the sheer expanse of experience he has accrued over his 40 some odd years of work. This wealth of knowledge allows Dr. Mate to understand the concept and connection between mind, body, and environment and in turn allows him to help give others a better understanding as well.
Capitalism as explained by Dr. Mate is the exploitation of man by man. Mate's personnel run-ins with both capitalism in North America and communism in his home country of Hungary have given him the ability to exponentially differentiate between the two. His explanation of the American dream and America's forced westernization of all it seems to cross paths with and the Soviets and their communist edicts were kind of comedic. The connection he makes between the two differing governmental policies was spot on and I felt like the cold war was still being waged, at least in his mind. .
While detailing the leading causes of death in America Dr. Mate makes note of some interesting points. By highlighting chronic diseases as the leading killer in North America, Mate is able to make the connection to a straight medical model, separating the mind from the body and the separation of the individual from the environment.