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The Culture, Politics and Economics of Sweden

When a Swede has a child they are also allowed an additional thirteen months of leave where you get paid 78% of what you would have made otherwise. In many European countries, programs are put into place like this to better the lives of everyone in their country. This does not come at a very cheap price though; they have to pay various forms of income tax in whatever bracket you may fall in. they do set a maximum tax of approximately 57%. That is an extremely high percentage but the government gives a lot back to the people in other ways. With Sweden being a very kind and cohesive country they have a very interconnected culture.
             Sweden has a very diverse culture forming from the early middle ages. Influences from the surrounding areas like Denmark, Norway, and England (Vernby, 2013, p 16). The early Vikings had settled here and raided any villages in Sweden. They were also taken over by these countries at one time or another. This formed into different groups of people settling in all the parts of Sweden. Just like many places in the EU, the people of Sweden have many different tastes and many different ideas on how to run a government. This formed the country into 25 provinces; this came from areas having differing opinions just like many of the bickering countries in Europe. They all agree on the same language of Swedish but a cool fact about most Swedes is that most people speak fluent English as well. In fact many people say that out of all countries with a secondary language of English they speak it the best (Sjögren, 2012, p. 420). That makes it easier for many tourists that come from any English speaking countries, in fact most say they get by just fine without knowing any Swedish. .
             Just like in America, there is an American dream and there is also Swedish dream life. Their ideal life is having your own Stuga (Mäkinen, 2010, p. 346). This is a little red house on your own piece of land overlooking a lake or in a nice serene location.

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