The term was established in 1986 when an environmentalist named Jay Westervelt picked up a card in a hotel room urging customers to be environmentally friendly and reuse towels. He then noted that these institutions weren't living up to the reputation they gave themselves and didn't actually put in the effort to be as environmentally friendly as their cards advertised. Companies use of words to encourage consumers to purchase products is emphasized in the article "Weasel Words: The Art Of Saying Nothing at All" by William Lutz. Lutz explains how in advertisements people use false words that distract or deceive the audience from the bigger picture at hand. Lutz encourages the readers to think and question an advertisement before rushing to buy into it. This essay recounts the different ways advertisers persuade people into buying the product due to the use of "weasel" words. Lutz suggests that people must reflect on these weasel words and it should trigger the buyers to decipher the true meaning of the words being used.
In Kim Severson's essay, "Be It Ever So Homespun, There's Nothing Like Spin," she reflects on the "greenwashing" of America's grocery shelves and the concerning predicament it has on our marketplace. Greenwashing makes "subtle use of specific colors, images, typefaces, and an authentic narrative" (Severson, 436) to sell food although it does not necessarily mean that the contents are organic or even inorganic, just that the packaging accomplished its job of convincing the buyer to purchase that particular food brand. Greenwashed products tend to come from larger companies, while not greenwashed products are generally individually owned industries that are maintained in local businesses. The principal purpose of greenwashing is primarily to persuade consumers to buy the popular brands from well known food companies in order for it to benefit all of the parties involved, but this takes profit away from smaller business owners.