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Phylogeny of Primates

The gorillas weren't always the largest primate, other existed but are now extinct. Non-human primates are generally clever and can adapt to their environment quite well. However they are not as physically well-built as humans. For example they are not fast runners and they do not have the sharpest hearing (7). All primates with the exception of one species, spider monkeys, have kept or retain an ancestral trait of pentadactylism which is having five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot. This has come in handy since primates have great use for fingers and grabbing objects like food or other animals for hunting purposes (7). Another ancient trait that all primates have retained are the clavicles or collar bone which gives the primates the proper function it takes to climb trees. All primates can be seen having erect upper bodies which is apparent when primates are sitting. .
             The cox1 also known as mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase 1 is a protein that in eukaryotes is encoded by the MT-CO1 gene and is the main subunit of the cytochrome c oxidase complex. Cytochrome c oxidase is the component of the repertory chain that catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water. This gene is one of the most often used as a DNA barcode to identify animal species. COX1 gene sequence has a mutation rate that is fast enough to distinguish closely related species and also because it sequences is conserved among conspecifics. 16S ribosomal RNA is another gene that is a component of the 30S and is used in reconstructing phylogenies.16S is used for generating phylogenies because of its slow rates of evolution of this region of the gene. 16S is also highly conserved. The purpose of this experiment is to gather ribosomal gene 16S and Cox1 gene and translate them into codons that will be used to compare between all 19 species. Upon comparison of both genes we will use that data to construct 3 basic type of phylogenies.

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