We compare one stock with another, so as to make the relevant decision about which is the best one to buy. In addition, we use fundamental analysis to help us gain more knowledge about the company; we carefully follow the news on relevant information and the recent financial performance about the company in order to decide whether it is worth to invest. .
For stock trading, as we are risk-averse investor, we pay more attention to large and successful companies' stocks. Because those companies' stocks are relatively more stable compared to the small companies' stocks. Many of our stocks are traded from very successful companies, such as Google, Apple, Tiffany, etc. .
Best and Worst Investments.
Best Investments.
AAPL (Apple Inc) is one of the best investments in our portfolio. As we know that the Apple is a large technology corporation in the U.S. Apple often launches new product every year, especially Iphone. Iphone is a very important product for Apple, when we review the historical stock price of Apple, we can easily see that there is huge influence on Apple's stock price when every new generation of Iphone is produced. Another newest generation of Iphone will be launched at the near future. Therefore, this coming summer is a good opportunity to buy Apple's stock. Basically, we buy Apple's stock based on technical analysis, we review the performance of Apple in the past three year, we found that in the chart (Appendix AAPL) from 2011 to 2013, the stock price was rapidly increased from July to October, and then went down. We bought it at $87.64 per shares (after split 1-7), and now it has been increased to around $95 per shares, our expected price is $100 per shares. Now we still holding AAPL 245 shares, and we expect that the price will still increase.
The other successful trade is concerned with WB (Weibo). Weibo is a Chinese company, of which the main business is social networking. We bought its' shares on May 29, and we use both technical analysis and fundamental analysis for the trade.