For instance, if a group of students are having a tablet in the classroom the others will be motivated to be associated with this group and thus, they will make all efforts possible to get one. In America the culture is different as they are not into fashion, but trend. For instance, if one finds that his classmates are using a Samsung tablet he will differ from them probably by purchasing an advanced tablet. The aim is to stand out from the group Therefore, it can be said that the American culture goes by "Every man for himself and God for us all" while in the Swedish culture it goes by "If you cannot defeat them join them.".
Another major difference in the two cultures is seen when it comes to the workplace. The workplace in Sweden is very different as the employees will spend much of the time working together or socializing. For instance, when it comes to meals, all the offices are closed and then assemble at the dining place where they take their meals together. This is also the same case when it comes to talking about issues as they all show much support and attention. Generally, the goals in the organization are group-oriented. This is not the case in the American culture as the employees exercise much independence. When it comes to meals they will not be seen getting together. Everyone seems to be focused on individual tasks that are aimed at addressing issues in the organization. The outcome of this can mean that the staffs in Sweden are more into group responsibility and thus, the outcome for their efforts is group-based (Kastenmüller, et al. 40). This is not the case in America as the employees are more individually responsible and thus, the results got are more due to individual efforts. Therefore, the efforts by managers in Swedish firms are group oriented while the efforts by American managers are individual oriented. This does not mean that managers in the American culture do not make use of groups rather it means that they try to create an environment for competition rather than cooperation among the employees.