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Holocaust Justification - Intentionalist Arguments

However she is writing in 1975 and so lacks a lot of crucial information that has been released years later. When discussing the validity of Dawidowicz, it is difficult to argue against her being influenced by the time becuase the vast majority of everyone around that at time were intentionalists, and her parents were Jewish so it was probably easier for her to find someone to blame and the obvious choice is Hitler. Not only that but she moved away in 1939 from Poland and returned to see the aftermath in 1946, so she probably wanted a scapegoat to blame.
             To formulate an argument, Dawidowicz would've searched for different primary sources so that she could provide some evidence for her intentionalist claims. One source she mentions in her source is Hitler's 1925 book Mein Kampf, in an extract from his book Hitler outlines a view of the Jews as having a quest for "world dictatorship" and that the only way this can be prevented is "for his (Jews) instinct of world domination will die out only with him." The problem with Mein Kampf is that there lacks any definitive answers of whether Hitler had it in mind to persue a program of anihilation against the Jews, however what it does provide is disturbing hints. It is known that Hitler wanted a "thousand year reich" but for that to happen you cannot have someone who wants to take control of you and dictate you, which is what Hitler seems to think and it sounds as though it's a survival of the fittest between the two where only one can remain which is where they "will die out only with him comes from." An intentionalist would say that although Hitler doesn't outright say that the Jews must be killed, his phrasing is designed for you to feel that it is the only opition if you want liberty and freedom from a dictatorship, and as it's in 1925 it shows it's a long held grand design.

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