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Literacy and a Good Education

Although the importance of being a literate person seems so obvious, reading and writing are essential to be a functioning member of society. In my earlier years I didn't realize just how crucial it was. I viewed my experience at Pine Knob Elementary as a place I had to go to for eight hours a day primarily to goof off with friends and maybe learn a thing or two to tell my parents at the dinner table when they asked me what I had learned at school that day. Oddly enough spending a large period of time deciphering the text in Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss in Mrs. Creech's kindergarten class was the beginning of my reading career and my literary development. At the time this was just a silly book I liked to read about green breakfast foods. What I failed to see at that age was that this was the start of becoming a literate person and I was only just at the beginning of a long journey involving the understanding of literacy and appreciating the value it holds. Dr. Seuss books were just the tip of the iceberg. .
             As my seven-year-old self sat around a bright blue table amongst other first graders racing to solve simple math problems of addition and subtraction in order to win pieces of candy, literacy was being instilled in my unaware brain. I failed to realize that I should have wanted to get the answers right for my own benefit and understanding, not because of the simple temporary satisfaction I received from a piece of candy. The further along I progressed I found my works of literacy becoming more complex such as the first project I was assigned that required I did some research on the Internet. Little did I know I was learning how to gather information for my own mental capacity and not just for a good grade on a project about some animal and it's natural habitat. Using the base literary skills I was developing in elementary school, it became evident that every year of school got just a little more difficult.

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