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Gender Roles and the Venus de Willendorf

The analysis of the Venus of Willendorf shows that history regularly takes from the earlier aspects to redefine the future and usually the input of the societal setting is quite conspicuous. For example, the modern society has the Barbie doll created by Ruth Handler in 1959.This doll has been propagated into our midst through the numerous advanced media and marketing interests. While the Willendorf era's main source of influence emanated from the values in society, the Barbie era's influence focused on the marketing and benefits of commercial interests. Both figurines are popular due to their representation of women in their era, revealing their own connotation of gorgeousness and cultural perceptions. Even in the present day, gender roles vary according to cultural-historical setting.
             Venus de Willendorf, was found in 1908 by archaeologist Josef Szombathy in an Aurignacian loess deposit in a walkway approximately 30 meters beyond the Danube river neighboring the city of Willendorf in Austria (Witcombe, n.d.).Willendorf already had a reputation as a Paleolithic site by local collectors. The carving may not have been done in the region but in another whose people used to make carved items from fine porous oolitic limestone. This also shows that there was interaction between the communities and they most likely shared same cultural influences such as art and trade. Several studies give different dates of the Venus de Willendorf era where most recent dating is cited for period between 24,000-22,000 BCE. .
             The pronounced female formations depicted art and a symbol of fertility and productivity of society especially female gender. It also depicts the value society attached to female roles rather than the looks as they are today. It portrays the acceptance and appreciation of the gender role for recreation and as a unifying figure. The figurine is curved meticulously and on a lasting material to show the expected continuation of the roles the female gender is to play in sustaining future generations.

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