During his speech he provides the audience with visual aid by stating, "a twenty ounce soda has the equivalent of 16 packs of sugar". Making healthier choices can prevent the development of diabetes and obesity, which can lead to death. Bloomberg credits the success of the smoking ban bill that went into affect on February 2011 to help show that we can challenge the toughest issue and make a huge difference. To help low income families afford healthier food he has enacted a program that provides "healthy bucks" to be used at farmers markets. Bloomberg believes his controversial bill is an effective way to help alter the unhealthy eating habits of many New Yorkers. .
There are many consequences to excessively drinking large amounts of sugar. Soda is a big contributor in that soda contains immense amounts of sugar, that when consumed on a regular bases can cause conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and in certain instances cancer. This condition is primarily caused by unhealthy eating habits combined with a lack of daily physical activity. In fact, about "58% of New Yorkers – City wide are obese," stated Bloomberg. The health implication caused by the consumption of large quantity of these beverages can be alleviated through the new regulations. .
As briefly stated before, the soda ban will not forbid people from drinking soda, rather it limits the serving size attainable in certain establishments. Mayor Bloomberg sums it up best when he states, "Nobody is banning anything". The regulations are put into place in the hopes that it would discourage people from purchasing additional beverages. Studies have proven that when individuals buy a certain portion they are more inclined to consume what is given. Therefore it is logical to understand the means in which people become less receptive to the calories and glucose level in take when purchasing large beverages.