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Running with No Place to Go

             The CPS worker had thought I went outside in the backyard, oblivious to what was actually happening. I knew exactly what they were there to do and I wasn't going to let it happen. So I ran as fast as I could until I found my parents. There was a trail by the apartment complex we lived next to and thats exactly where my parents were. Fleeing down the trail until they could catch a bus to who knows where. I reached them panting, sweating, and with a face stained with tears. They didn't tell me anything just grabbed me and kept going. We reached the end of the trail where it intersected a busy road. I stayed with my mom at a park across the street while my dad went and stole a car. I was so confused and knew what they were doing was wrong but I had such a sense of loyalty towards my parents that I couldn't leave. When we all reunited we drove to a motel where we resided for about two weeks. I should have been in school. I should have been outside playing with my friends. I should have been at home getting into trouble with my older sisters, but I wasn't doing any of this. I was on the run with my parents. .
             I was taken from my parents when I was eleven years old. It was a very odd situation how everything worked out because I was not technically "removed " from the home like how they show it in movies and such. The weeks prior to me leaving the supervision of my parents were not like they normally were. My father was released from prison and had only been home about a month. I had been noticing little things that my parents were doing that I did not understand. However, only being eleven I never thought much past what they told me and just continued on with friends, playing outside, and etc. One day when I was home from school my mom had locked herself in the bathroom for hours. She would not tell me why, would not open the door, and my sisters just kept ushering me to play outside. I cried for hours because I had no clue why my mom didn't want to see me and what was going on.

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